Welcome to Technology!


Hello! My name is Angelene Arciaga and I’m the technology teacher at Holy Rosary School. I’m excited to go on a digital journey with your child!

Technology is being used every day in class… whether it is math fluency practice on an iPad or writing a short story on a Chromebook. Students are expected to be safe, respectful, and responsible digital citizens.  We implement digital citizenship lessons to promote healthy online habits in the classroom and outside of school.

In grades K-4, students use iPads in the classroom with educational applications installed such as Xtra Math, Happy Numbers, and HMH Reader.  In grades 5-8, each student is leased a Chromebook throughout their time at HRS. At these grade levels, students log-in using their HRS Google account info to access apps and assignments online. Many of the programs and apps we use at school are accessible for use at home. Students also come to the computer lab to complete digital projects on desktops using software that is not normally used on their in-class devices. This includes, Canva, KidPix, and Comic Life. All students should have a set of portable plug-in headphones to use with their devices.

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” – David Warlick